51 #if (PARTNO == AT25XE512C) || \ 52 (PARTNO == AT25XE011) || \ 53 (PARTNO == AT25XE021A) || \ 54 (PARTNO == AT25XE041B) || \ 55 (PARTNO == AT25DN256) || \ 56 (PARTNO == AT25DN512C) || \ 57 (PARTNO == AT25DN011) || \ 58 (PARTNO == AT25DF256) || \ 59 (PARTNO == AT25DF512C) || \ 60 (PARTNO == AT25DF011) || \ 61 (PARTNO == AT25DF021A) || \ 62 (PARTNO == AT25DF041B) || \ 63 (PARTNO == AT25XV021A) || \ 64 (PARTNO == AT25XV041B) || \ 114 void fusionReadArray(uint32_t address, uint8_t *rxBuffer, uint32_t rxNumBytes);
129 void fusionReadArrayLF(uint32_t address, uint8_t *rxBuffer, uint32_t rxNumBytes);
285 #if (PARTNO == AT25XE021A) || \ 286 (PARTNO == AT25XE041B) || \ 287 (PARTNO == AT25DF021A) || \ 288 (PARTNO == AT25DF041B) || \ 289 (PARTNO == AT25XV021A) || \ 290 (PARTNO == AT25XV041B) || \ void fusionReadSectorProtectionRegisters(uint32_t address, uint8_t *rxBuffer)
OPCODE: 0x3C Reads the sector protection register at address 'address.' 0x00 -> Sector is unprotect...
void fusionReadSR(uint8_t *rxBuffer)
OPCODE: 0x05 Reads the value in the status register (bytes 1 and 2).
void fusionBlockErase4K(uint32_t address)
OPCODE: 0x20 Erases a block of data (4 KBytes) starting from page address 'address.'.
void fusionReadMID(uint8_t *rxBuffer)
OPCODE: 0x9F Reads the manufacturer ID and stores the data in rxBuffer.
void fusionPageErase(uint32_t address)
OPCODE: 0x81 Erases a page of data (256 Bytes) starting from page address 'address.'.
void fusionGlobalProtect()
Protects all sectors by issuing a WE, then write of 0x7F to status register byte 1. These 2 write are accomplished with fusionWriteEnable() and fusionWriteSRB1().
void fusionReset()
OPCODE: 0xF0 Resets the flash device for immediately, regardless of what current operation is being...
void fusionHardwareReset()
Performs a hardware (JEDEC) reset on the device.
void fusionWriteSRB1(uint8_t data)
OPCODE: 0x01 Writes the value in data to status register byte 1.
uint8_t txFusionInternalBuffer[MAXIMUM_TX_BYTES]
void fusionProtectSector(uint32_t address)
OPCODE: 0x36 Sends opcode to disable writing.
void fusionDualOutputRead(uint32_t address, uint8_t *rxBuffer, uint32_t rxNumBytes)
OPCODE: 0x3B Reads 'txNumBytes' bytes of data in Dual Output Mode starting at 'address' using both ...
void fusionSequentialProgramModeEnable(uint32_t address, uint8_t txBuffer)
OPCODE: 0xAD Enables sequential program mode and loads the starting address into the device...
void fusionSequentialProgramMode(uint8_t txBuffer)
OPCODE: 0xAD Sends the byte in txBuffer to the flash device for programming. This command should on...
void fusionDeepPowerDown()
OPCODE: 0xB9 Enters the device into Deep Power Down mode. fusionResumeFromDeepPowerDown() will wake...
void fusionWaitOnReady()
: Wait while Read/Busy Status bit in SRB is 1 (device is busy).
void fusionReadArrayLF(uint32_t address, uint8_t *rxBuffer, uint32_t rxNumBytes)
OPCODE: 0x03 Reads rxNumBytes starting from location 'address' and stores the data in the byte arra...
void fusionUDPDMode()
OPCODE: 0x79 Sends the device into Ultra Deep Power Down Mode. Exit UDPD Mode by toggling CS with c...
void fusionWriteEnable()
OPCODE: 0x06 Sends opcode to enable writing.
Declarations of spi_driver functions.
void fusionResumeFromDeepPowerDown()
OPCODE: 0xAB Wakes the device up from Deep Power Down mode (fusionDeepPowerDown()).
void fusionWriteDisable()
OPCODE: 0x04 Sends opcode to disable writing.
void fusionProgramArray(uint32_t address, uint8_t *txBuffer, uint32_t txNumBytes)
OPCODE: 0x02 Programs 'txNumBytes' bytes of data starting at the address indicated by address...
void fusionReadArray(uint32_t address, uint8_t *rxBuffer, uint32_t rxNumBytes)
OPCODE: 0x0B Reads rxNumBytes starting from location 'address' and stores the data in the byte arra...
void fusionWriteSRB2(uint8_t data)
OPCODE: 0x31 Writes the value in data to status register byte 2.
Declarations of helper functions.
void fusionDualInputProgram(uint32_t address, uint8_t *txBuffer, uint32_t txNumBytes)
OPCODE: 0xA2 Programs 'txNumBytes' bytes of data in Dual Input Mode starting at 'address' using bot...
void fusionChipErase()
OPCODE: 0x60 Erases the entire chip by setting all bits.
void fusionUnprotectSector(uint32_t address)
OPCODE: 0x39 Sends opcode to enable writing.
void fusionGlobalUnprotect()
Unprotects all sectors by issuing a WE, then write of 0x00 to status register byte 1...